Ukraine’s first Product Owner School

Product Owner is one of the most important roles in Scrum. We know the knowledge and skills a Product Owner needs and can teach them to you.

School graduates will have the knowledge and skills necessary to turn an idea into a working product, work effectively with stakeholders, analyze the market, work with teams (internal or vendor), measure the product’s success, and understand P&L.

Our trainers:

Юрій Литвиненко

Yury Lytvynenko

Agile coach, trainer, consultant

Since starting my tech career in 2005, I’ve worked as a programmer, lead developer, regional office head, and director of development in Ukrainian and western European IT companies.

Андрій Шевченко

Andrii Shevchenko

Team Coach at MacPaw, Organizational Coach at AgileDrive

I began my career as a software developer. In the process of optimizing my work, I realized that I wasn’t getting the desired results and started focusing on the team. That’s how I became a Scrum master even before the role existed at the company.

About the course:


Unlike traditional schools and universities, our learning takes place in an interactive format with a focus on practical application. The foundation is the adult education approach “Training from The Back of the Room.”


Our program is aimed at giving our students both deep knowledge and practice in class and at home.


We won’t give you a certificate just because your company paid us money. You’ll have to do all the homework assignments and demonstrate that you’ve mastered the material. 


Our focus is on teamwork. Because you can achieve the desired results only with the team. And you have to know how to work in a team.

The course comprises three learning modules.

Each module lasts two full days once per month. Throughout the program, School students work on clarifying the vision and details of their product to apply their new knowledge immediately in practice. There are also regular meetings with the trainer between modules.


The basics: Agile. Scrum. The role of Product Owner.

What Agile, Scrum, and the Product Owner role are. The skills you need in this role. The product and innovation life cycle. How product thinking differs from project thinking. How to understand what users and buyers really need. The basics of customer development.

  1. The difference between Product and Project;
    VUCA World
    Outcomes vs Outputs
  2. The basics of Agile and iterative development (Scrum)
  3. Understanding the role of Product Owner
  4. Product development strategy;
    Vision and Pitch
    User Persona
    Value Proposition Canvas, Business Model Canvas, Lean Canvas
  5. Customer Development
    Hypotheses and ways to test them
    User interviews

Backlogs. Metrics. Presentation.

  • Working with backlogs: creating, prioritizing, processing. Planning releases.
  • Estimating work. Measuring product success. Strategic product development.
  • Training skills to present your work and your product
  1. Product backlog: creating and prioritizing;
    User Story, INVEST
    Story slicing
    Kano Model, MoSCoW, RICE
  2. Product releases and road maps;
    User Story Mapping
    Customer Journey
    Release Burn-up Chart
  3. Estimating duration and cost of product releases using feedback from the team and
    T-shirt sizing
    Affinity Mapping
  4. Product metrics and the basics of P&L
  5. Presentation skills

Work with the team and stakeholders

  • Stakeholder engagement — getting early feedback and support.
  • Working with the team — a new kind of leadership. The nuances of team interactions in Scrum.
  • The Product Owner’s role in developing the team. Evaluating the team’s effectiveness.
  1. Roles, meetings, and artifacts of Scrum;
    Principles of the role of Product Owner, Scrum Master, Team
    Nexus Zoo Game
  2. Working with stakeholders
  3. The Product Owner’s work with the development team
  4. Anti-patterns of the Product Owner role
  5. Exam


Вікторія Михайленко


Хтось у вересні починає вчитися, а ми вчилися все літо і сьогодні успішно склали тест та отримали атестат Product Owner та червону стрічку випускника 😎😜 Хочу подякувати Vodafone Ukraine, своїм керівникам, тренерам та всім, хто брав участь у цьому проекті. Здавалося б, що все скінчилося. Але ні, для нас тепер все лише починається. Future is exciting. Ready?

Катерина Єрема


Мені здавалося, коли я випустилася з універа (хоча я цей час ніжно люблю), то never again я піду кудись вчитися) бо модулі, заліки та іспити мене трохи лякають) АЛЕ! Product Owners School повернув мені віру в щасливе навчання) 3 модулі ми вчилися, робили ДЗ, і це навіть сподобалося)

Світлана Ковальчук


Які асоціації у вас зі словом «школа»? Дзвінок, перерва, клас, домашка, вчитель... Сьогодні завершився другий день першого модуля школи Product owners Vodafone для 24 учасників, і повірте це про інше. Так, тут є й перерви та ДЗ, робота над помилками та аналіз, але тут немає вчителів із сухими лекціями, є провідники та помічники Андрій Шевченко, та Юрій Литвиненко замість критики готовність чути та підказати, поділитися знаннями та досвідом, замість заздрості «чужій п'ятірці» гордість, повага ідей іншого, тут про простір смислів і силу бажання, про натхнення лідерів і дух команди, про ухвалення різниці та віру в себе. Магія сталася! Далі буде.

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